Something to Ponder.

Was bored during Maintenance..Here are some Screenies that
I Caught up with. Congrats again like always. =.^

Thank You Finale. TH4 You Can't Have this.

Kitiarax and Hiroshime






Cerberus on Lockdown.

Good things to come after Maintenance.. Enjoy the day tomorrow.

Little Cerberus action before Dynamis.
Congrat to Gouki on the Hide.
Claws went to Bank for now.
3 Cerberus in a row, wut?

CL Strikes Again!

Sorry for the crappy Screenshot. Anyway

Kaken - A. Body
Dyhalto - A.Body
Abarai - Egg and now 3/3 for Black Belt.

Good Claiming streak we are on, keep it up!

Recent Aquisitions

Congrats to Cheech... Good stuff.

Congrats Osaseko on synthing his cursed hauberk -1 first try,
Which turned into this beauty.


Kinda big update since i am a little behind. (slacker)

Fafnir Yesterday-
Congrats Meilin on Pumps
Congrats Redzero on Cap

Dynamis Yesterday -
Congrats on win, by far not the greatest drop rate seen there.

Cerberus Today-
Congrats Abarai on Hades Sainti.
Congrats Ghostshadow on Algol
Congrats Takayuke on Cerb Hide.


Congrats to Kaken on the club..
What can we say, Reznap #7 Sword will come soon.
Finale, well Hmmm... Not much to say but Thanks for the Claim.


Cerb Hide - Cheech

Algol - Laster

Congrats to a uncontested claim.. Good Try anyway Legion. LOL

PMS Fafnir

Been awhile since we claimed our old friend,
Anyway same old shit that other LS's have been getting.
N. Head to Meilin congrats, Saisio Assjammer and Hrotti congrats also.

Dynamis - Xarcabard

Eh some crap drops
Congratulations to Irrellius
on his Monster Gloves

Congratulations to
Badbanana on Saotome Kabuto

Oh yeah, Bakahart got some ghetto mantle

Grats to him...i guess...

CL > Ouryu

Just like the Title says
3 kunwu ore to ls bank
Congrats Asianguy on his Tuetlary
We also got adaman, no pics sadly

Dynamis- Jeuno

Congrats to AF winners, and to Drusilla and Redzero
who finally have Glacier access.


10man Faf Solo tank Osa, crap drops

Congratulations Fienal on Nhead!

Homam Legx2

Excellent Omega! Congtratulations to Reznap and Saske on Homam Cosciales

P.S. I checked in on shagz's new life in Hades,
and he met a new friend! :D

Sexual Harassment charges were filed..

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© 2006 Claimed | Alexander HNMLS