Merry Christmas Claimed!

Aspid's down with the holiday spirit! Thank you, kind, generous, overgrown turtle! Congratulations to Cheech, he won't be passing anymore dalms!!

SCREW YOU TIAMAT! Synth stuff /joy.


We travelled to Bastok Sunday night, but we didn't stay too long since our friend in Attowa Chasm looked vulerable as she was up and unclaimed. Anyway, congrats to everyone on their new AF2s =)

Bard's Cuffs - Airenn & Gratis
Assassin's Vest - Kitiarax
Monster Jackcoat - Alynda
Saotome Kote - Incredibleblaze & Saisio
Sorcerer's Tonban - Sugarplum
Melee Gaiters - Asianguy & Takayuke
Abyss Sollerets - Irrelius
Duelist's Gloves - Takayuke

Dynamis-Beaucedine & Cerberus


Good run last Thursday in Beaucedine. We got a couple hundreds and some nice af. Unfortunately we couldn't get the right piece of paper to drop =( No worries, we'll just have to try again! Grats to everyone on their new AF!

Summoner's Doublet - Ronzeru
Saotome Domaru - Renadea
Sorcerer's Coat - Kaken
Wyrm Mail - Zera
Cleric's Briault - Wentworth
Koga Chainmail - Genmu

We also caught Cerberus before our dyna run! Grats to all! Mo money for the bank!

Aspidochelone & JoL

Dalmatica x2
Good day for us, seeing that Aspid decided to be generous this holiday season. Congratulations going out to Fukuo and Shadowflipper for their long awaited dalms! Oh yeah, and grats to my lvl 8 MNK BB:O >.>

Jailer of Love

Knocked out our JoL set on Monday and got some decent drops. Unfortunately JoL doesn't love our BLMs much. He did however give us more than just the halberd! Congratulations to Sugarplum on Novia and Redzero on the torque =)

Fafnir orz !

Call For Help!!!

Excitement in the Aery today as 4 brave souls held this Notorious Monster like champs until reinforcements arrived. Even as LS members trickled their way into the Aery, we didn't have a proper SC, nor a BRD, and only 2 BLMs. At 60% and only 15-20 minutes before rage timer, we decide it was best to scurry out half of the alliance, escape, and come back to a CFH raging Fafnir. All of the other LSs did the same @_@

We did manage however to claim it back and got the kill =) Congratulations to Meilin on her brand new shiny Ridill! You are one pimped bitch! Rawr<3

12/13/2007: Dynamis-Xarcabard, Fafnir, Aspid, Behemoth


Outstanding drops in Thursday night's Dynamis-Xarcabard run. Great turnout, a total of 54 people in the zone, and a TH4 in almost every party, lol. Not to mention another of them TH4 gloves dropping yet again! Dynamis is turning out to be pretty prosperous these days =) I guess I'm gunna have to thank Bahaa again, promising he'd make mage hats drop this time. Anyway, big big congrats going out to everyone tonight. =)

Assassin's Armlets - Sarsha
Duelist's Chapeau - Dyhalto
Summoner's Horn - Wentworth & Meilin
Sorcerer's Petasos - Naveris
Scout's Jerkin - Informer
Shadow Mantle - Motherbrain

Fafnir, Aspid, Behemoth

I suppose it was a productive day in camps. Couple NQs, couple D.Feets. Grats to whoever those things autosorted to =)

12/10/2007: Prudence, Justice, Hope

Prudence, Justice, Hope

We ran through sea completing another Love set and taking down the Tier IIs. Grats to everyone on their drops today!

Prudence Torque - Hiroishime
Prudence Wand - Gratis
Hope Staff - Gratis
Justice Sword - Zera

12/9/2007: Dynamis-Windurst

Windy always a good time! We had a remarkable 52-people turnout for this Sunday's run and, despite all the lag, we managed to get some nice drops =) Not to mention after the win, it was practically a free-for-all... Freelot AF2 GOO!

Abyss Gauntlets - Fienal
Saotome Haidate - Rheaa
Sorcerer's Gloves - Informer & Gratis
Scout's Bracers - Alpinethiboots
Warrior's Mask - Lecia & Meilin
Monster Helm - Shinidestiny
Valor Leggings - Takayuke
Cleric's Duckbills - Boten

12/8/07: Tiamat, Khimaira, Aspid, & Nidhogg


Yay, "You did not find a pair of Herald's Gaiters on Tiamat" =(
Anyway, good job team on an epic claim, oh and dodging all the mpk attempts...


D A L M A T I C A ! ! !
Congratulations Takayuke!!!


2/3 Kings after maintenance! Not bad guys! Couldn't get a decent SS of Nid since I was too busy trying to stay alive... this will suffice ;o Grats on your sexy tight pants Red!


YES! More Khima manes for the LS! Couldn't ask for anything more <3

Cerberus, Proto-Ultima, Dynamis-Xarc, RIDILL!!


Panzerx on a roll, #3 for him~ grats to Tony on his new baller status

Yay, new feet for a couple of our BLMs! Grats to Mtrak and yours truly <3


I'm convinced that Thursday's emergency maintenance was to fix the drop rate on THF hands. /sadface ~Anyway, the run was cut short but we managed to get a couple goodies in a short amount of time. Grats to all =)

Warrior's Lorica - Meilin
Abyss Burgeonet - Ronzeru
Melee Crown - Ronzeru & Frej
Assassin's Armlets - Frej

RIDILL ! ! !

Finally, Fafnir stopped being so cheap! About time we posted a Faf that was front-page worthy. Big congrats to Nonno on her long awaited sword! Grats also to Mtrak on N.Head.

Nidhogg 12/3


Throw some Armadas on that shit, yo!

I completely MacGyver'd this SS of Hiro, lol. Grats on the N.Legs! Oh, and your back piece from before =)

Dynamis-Tavnazia/Dynamis-San d'Oria & KS99


WOOT!! Hot drops yet again, from Tavnazia! Can't complain, we've upgraded from getting DRG, to BST, and now its raining DRK! Grats to KH on DRK-1, and Saisio on the kabuto.

Dynamis-San d'Oria

Wyrm Greaves - Devine
Warrior's Calligae - Dragoryte & Lecia
Melee Hose - Frej
Koga Hakama - Gratis


10 orbs, and one belt. Congrats to a very wealthy Kitiarax. Christmas is around the corner, Kiti *wink*wink*

Bahamut v2, Dynamis-Xarcabard, Proto-Omega

Bahamut v2

Big congrats goes out to Reznap for his new mask!! Oh, and his shiny new ring, too <3


One of the best Dynamis-Xarcabards I have ever seen. It took us a while to revisit Xarcabard due to the heavy Dynamis-Xarc traffic, but we made it, finally. =)

With some new additions to the LS, including another TH4, just wanted to give a warm welcome to Airenn, Knolan, and Bahaa, who all came from the Ifrit server to give us some <3

Thank you Bahaa for gracing us with your presence ;p

This brings CL to a whopping total of 7 TH4s!!!

Abyss Burgeonet - Trilarian
Koga Tekko - Alynda, Genetix
Assassin's Armlets
- Redzero, Meilin
Scout's Jerkin - Cheech
Cleric's Mitts - Hiroishime
Wyrm Armet - Fienal
Shadow Mantle - Hiroishime
Shadow Ring - Reznap


We also did Omega earlier in the week. Congrats to Redzero, and Saisio on some shiny new Homam gear <3

Dynamis Beaucedine, San d'Oria, & Buburimu


Abyss Cape - Knightheart & Knolan
Melee Cape - Knigtheart & Frej
Cleric's Mitts -1 - Dietriot
Summoner's Bracer's -1 - Kaken & Gratis
Abyss Gauntlet's -1 - Knightheart

Dynamis-San d'Oria

Cleric's Cap - Dietriot
Duelist Boots - Ronzeru & Rovek
Summoner's Pigaches - Whiskey, Wentworth


Duelist's Tabard - Blackstring
Abyss Cuirass - Knightheart
Melee Cyclas - Shadowflipper & Takayuke

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