
Amanomurakumo ! ! !
Another relic for the LS completed!!! Last night we managed to retrieve the fragment from Xarcabard which made our friend Sirbing a very happy hume. Huge congratulations to ya Bing on obtaining stage 5 Great Katana (first on Alexander)!!

Tiamat, Cerberus, Fafnir

We scored a Tiamat the other night which pooped out just a wyrm horn. Great job guys at staying awake for the late night pop! lulz

Cerberus & Fafnir
No screenshots for either of these. Mats off the last Cerb and N.Head off the last Fafnir. Congratulations to Xjiao on N.Head!!!

KVx2, Khimaira, Nidhogg, and SANDWORM!

King Vinegarroon
Scored a couple of KVs last week. Congrats to Makaroni on Aces Helm.

We got Khimara yesterday! No SS unfortunately :( However we managed to score a Seveneyes! Congratulations to Andres on the drop!

We got ourselves a Nidhogg, and darters too lol!
Congratulations to Nonno on M.Body, Incredibleblaze on the Wyrm Beard, and Kynta on the merit!

Sandworm orz

Do we get DKP for this? Lol..


Hydra dorp! Congratulations to Pingin on this rare piece! So cute!

Aspidochelone, JoL, Fafnir x2, KV

King Vinegarroon
Congrats to Saisio on his new shiny helm!

Fafnir x2
We got a couple of Fafnirs last week. Grats to Xjiao on E.Hands and me on N.Head!

Jailor of Love

ORZ! We got the shaft on JoL! Unfortunately all he dropped was a halberd and a friend...


We get the best drops ever. Congrats to Meilin on M.Feet...

Khimaira & Dynamis-Xarcabard

H A U T E C L A I R E #10
Its always nice when Khimaira drops more than just manes and horns. Big congratulations going out to Fukuo on obtaining Hauteclaire.
Current Hauteclaire List
Osaseko Clihart Gouki Wakadanna Dyhalto
Cheech Reznap Ronzeru Bahaa Fukuo

Overall a great day for our PLDs. Congratulations to Saisio on Shadow Ring!!! This makes us 3/3 for ring drops on our past 3 successful DL kills. Congrats to everyone on their drops in Xarcabard!!!
Warrior's Lorica - Shinidestiny & Alynda
Assassin's Armlets - Boten
Duelist's Chapeau - Kaken

Proto Ultima, Khimaira x2, Dynamis-Xarc, Dynamis-Buburimu

We finished up our Ultima set. Congrats to Wentworth on Nashira Crackows and Gratis on Nashira Turban.

Khimaira x2
Good job on our past two Khimairas. Unfortunately for us, more synth materials, lol.

Dynamis-Xarcabard & Buburimu
Last week's dynamis drops were pretty decent. Congrats to everyone on their drops!

Monster Gloves - Boten
Bard's Cannions - Wentworth
Duelist's Chapeau - Shadowflipper
Src. Gloves -1 - Wentworth
Asn. Armlets -1 - Asianguy
Sorcerer's Belt - Asianguy, Wentworth
Scout's Belt - Dissmind, Lecia

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