Nidhogg, Tiamat, Khimaira, Dyna Update

Wowwy! E.Body for us! Congratulations to Fukuo and great job this morning on a 12-man Nidhogg!!! Oh, and L.O.L. at a failed MPK attempt... children these days tsk tsk!!

Haha!! Way to stir up dramaz and getting under peoples skins (/pats back)! Hell, I'd be mad too if I was camping for 30+ hours with a decent holding party and get outclaimed by a couple of tarus (+Red and Andres xD), kekeke!!! Was a long fight for us unfortunately due to lack of tanks and hate problems, but it really was a fun fight :D Great job guys for sticking it out... and for the drops... well thats a different story lolz!!

Pwning Khimaira as usual... Khim pwning us on drops as usual =/

Dynamis Update
Haven't updated dynamis drops in a while due to focuses on other important matters, and doing the runs necessary to get a couple of key items for our next LS relic... coming soon!!!

Congrats to Cheech on getting Attestation and Fragment for his shield!

Sea Stuffs
Ya... I don't post much of sea since its all very lol to me. However, congratulations to our members who recently scored some nice r/ex sea thingies!

Faith Torque: Cheech
Prudence Rod: Dietriot, Saisio
Faith Baghnakhs: Ronzeru
Merciful Cape: Decietfultrauma, Wentworth, Hoodrider
Astute Cape: Sirbing, Wentworth


Tarus are sexy. Don't hate :) More sexy taru SS to be continued...

Aspid, Khimaira x2, Bahamut, Ultima, Fafnirs, & Ein

Congratulations to Pingin on his long awaited and well deserved Dalmatica!
Congratulations also to Pepe on the egg!


We did our Ultima run this past Friday and after about a year, we finally get the claw drop! Congratulations to Andres on Nashira Crackows and myself on Nashira Gages!!!


We also got the past two Khimairas, not so much going on there as far as drops are concerned...


We got a few Fafnirs as well... decent drops but no Ridillz :(

Bahamut v2

Big congratulations going out to Ronzeru on Bahamut's Mask! And yeah thats a DRG that you see in my SS... Angon go!!


Our first attempt at a Tier 2 chamber for Einherjar was a success! Congratulations to everyone on the win, and great job to all my BLMs who handled those multiple waves of bats with ease!

Khimaira, Tiamat, Proto-Omega, Dynamis-Beaucedine

Hauteclaire #11. Congratulations Motherbrain :)
This is what it looks like to have hauteclaire in your treasure pool (for those that have never seen it before):
Great job guys on a late night Tiamat pop. Our blms really came through last night. Flawless victory for the CL team once again! Behold our usual timmy drops...
Congratulations to Redzero on Homam Manopolas and Garrerro on Homam Gambieras!


Rear did a Beaucedine run last Sunday for horn paper... but we got dagger instead... maybe next time guys!

Saotome Domaru - Saisio
Summoner's Doublet - Samenori
Scout Socks - Incredibleblaze

Nidhogg!! Speed Belt!! Ein update!!

Yeah! 4 Kings in a row woot! Way to clean up guys! Congratulations to Ronzeru today on A.Body!! Hope you like my SS of this sexy bitch! lolol!
-and yes we're green now...

We did some KS99s over the weekend as well. Congratulations to Wentworth on getting Speed Belt!!

Last week we took down Rossweisse's and Grimgerde's chambers for the 2nd time in a row! It took us only 16 minutes to defeat Grimgerde's chamber, a new record for Rear! This Einherjar project is steadily progressing as we now have tier 2 access for 27 of our Rear members. Congratulations to all of you!

3/3 Kings wut?! RIDILLZ rawr!

HUGE congratulations to Andres on getting his Dalmatica!!! woot!!! This makes us 3/3 on kings this week! Great job CL :)


HUGEEEE Congratulations going to Redzero on this nice drop! Dalma and Ridz in 1 day gooo~ Great job on claims folks!

Nidhogg, KB, Cerberus x2, Proto-Omega, & Einherjar!


This week we landed ourselves another Nidhogg! Congratulations to Kitiarax on N.Legs. Good job everyone on the kill!

King Behemoth
We also claimed KB this week. Good job to all those people who stayed up late for a last window pop. Congratulations to Fukuo on M.Legs and Pepe on the Pixie.


We got a couple of Cerbs since our last update as well. More hides for the LS! Congratulations to Hoodrider and Kaken on getting Algols!


We also put away a couple of our Omega sets as well since our last update. Congratulations to Kaken on Homam Corazza and Shinidestiny on Homam Manopolas! Also congratulations to Kitiarax, Lobsang, and Kaken on Homam Zucchetto!


We're totally cleaning up on Einherjar! We've actually been doing so well that we've upped our Ein schedule to 2x a week. I'm really excited and proud of you guys! This is a project that Cheech, Kitiarax, and I had been really pushing toward for the past few months now and its great to see it launch and succeed the way it has been. All the feedback has been phenomenal! I'm also happy to welcome some of our new Rear members that have joined us from Endure to share the same awesome experience the rest of us are having! yay :)

Congratulations to everyone who have succeeded in obtaining tier 2 access. We're currently doing our 2nd wave of our tier 1 chambers to grant more of our members access to the tier 2 chambers. It won't be long before we face Odin!! Great job to everyone in Rear! <3

Current Tier 2 List:

Andres Anthon Bahaa
Bluezeromaster Boten Cheech
Euphoria Genmu Irrellius
Kaken Katalyn Kechara
Kitiarax Petey Pingin
Redzero Saisio Shinidestiny
Wentworth Xjiao

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