3/3 Sweep and then some!

GJ!!! We sweeped kings this past week!! Our most recent kill, Nidhogg!!! Congratulations to Meilin on M.Body!!!
BV2 Excitement! Congratulations to Informer on Bahamut's Zaghnal, Ronzeru on Bahamut's Staff!!!
King Behemoth...Kaolin gets the claim with like 2 people there. Apparently their RDM died and ninja just kept running around without acting on KB. Well run to far out of range and it can go unclaimed... Overall we got it! Congratulations to Fukuo on W.Head, Jared on M.Legs, Rheaa on Pixie Earring!!!We also got a bunch of NQ claims in the past 2 days. No ridillz and no pics soo..... yeah...

Tiamat, Aspi!

Good job everyone on another successful Tiamat! Sorry that yet again he's dropped nothing but the most useless crap. Keep it up, he's bound to give us some boots soon!

Aspi! The over grown turtle that likes to sit in his shell gave us some love! Congratulations Cryogenic on your new Dalamatica!!!
Also another few Behemoths and Fafnirs down but nothing out of the ordinary to update on.

Nidhogg & JoL

Goodjob on another Nidhogg!!! Though i'm sure we all wish he dropped more that just N.Legs but nonetheless congratulations Ronzeru!!!To follow being a Nidhogg Slayer, we pumped out a Jailer of Hope and Jailer of Love! However like always, Jailer of Hope continues to make me loose hope on a new Torque. . . However Jailer of Love decided to give us all some real loving! Congratulations Xjaio on Love torque, Lecia on (lol)Love Halberd and Novia Earring and lastly Meilin on Novio Earring!!!!!!!


So today we got ourselves a little sand worm action and ended up with Guivre! Congratulations to Hokagesama on the Zahak's mail!!!

Dynamis Update ^^

2 run update. Dynamis Xarc and Beaucedine! Congratulations to the following on thier new relic items!!!

Alpinethiboots - Scout's Socks
Alynda - Bard's Cannions, Koga Chainmail
Andres - Sorcerer's Coat
Eriss - Summoner's Doublet
Genmu - Koga Tekko
Informer - Melee Crown
Jowyy - Sorcerer's Coat, Abyss Cuirass, Abyss Burgeonet
Kyntajara - Sorcerer's Coat
Rheaa - Assassin's Culotte
Rivian - Valor Surcoat
Takayuke - Scout's Socks
Truu - Duelist's Chapeau

Skadi Khim BV2

MORE Salvage!!!! Congratulations Hiroishime on you new speedy bootts!
We got another Khim the other night, and no 1 grabbed a pic like i asked soo here is a boring screenshot of the loot that dropped. This puts claimed to #16 Haut i think. Sorry Manae ; ;
Congratulations Maybe on your new short golden stick! Congratulations Eriss on 7Eyes!

Dunno what droped since i was left outa the run >.> But either way was a win and more mats for MANTEELS!!!!!!!

Cerberus & Fafnir

LOL we like to call pics like this....stock photos!! ^^. Sorry no new pic but thats not the point anyway! We got another Cerberus!!! Thought this time no Algol ; ; Oh well... We also claimed ourselves another Fafnir and Adamantoise today! Congratulations Bloodtraitor on the Aegishjalmr!

Tiamat & Khimaira

Tiamat falls again and again we get junk drops. ; ; Overall though we totally destroyed him! Congratulations to the LS on another Behemoth hide >.>However Khim was pretty entertaining. Seems that CDC wanted to kite Khim...I don't know about anyone else but this was a first for me. Anyway after the short run with Khim, we claimed and proceeded to teach them how its really done. Goodjob everyone on quick smooth kill! Congratulations Takayuke on Seveneyes.

Dynamis - Tav

Started out a bit late and low numbers caused us to postpone our alt run of Sandy. But we decide to go through with our plan of Dynamis - Tav and we got two fairly nice rewards. Ok so DRG isnt so nice but its something. . . Congratulations to Shinidestiny on Sorcerer's Coat +1 and Ronzeru on Wyrm Brais +1


Decided to use up a few of our many KS99 orbs today, and as luck has it we got a Speed Belt! Congratulations everyone who used their orbs and also to Xjiao who not only loot whored a V.Belt last week but also got Speed belt to drop today!

Morrigan Robe!

Nothing like seeing yet another Morrigan's Robe! Congratulations Pingin, could your red mage get anymore pimp?

Ouryu Cometh!

Ouryu x3 today! Goodjob everyone on these! Look for BV2 soon, along with some new Manteels, BZ, and Bahamut staffs!!!

Khimaira & Aspi

Seems lately we've been getting some pretty terrible drops. ; ; But even so, we've taken down a few Behemoths, KV, and Adamantoise. Most Recently....Khimaira which like everything else dropped nothing spectacular. ; ; At least Aspi didn't give us DFeet. Congratulations Truu on your new M.Feet.

Dynamis Update

Catching up on Dynamis
Congratulations Dynamis-Saske on your Valor Surcoat and Shadow Mantle!

Bard Slippers - Alynda, Informer
Melee Gloves - Informer
Duelists Tights - Ronzeru
Assassin's Poulaines - Rheaa
Sorcerer's Petasos - Xjiao
Wyrm Armet - Riclavont
Summoner's Horn - Fenyx
Cleric's Mitts - Chaani
Monster Gloves - Fukuo
Saotome Kabuto - Rheaa
Bard's Roundlet - Ariannas
Duelist Boots - Lecia, Saske
Melee Hose - Saske, Asianguy, Masaia
Wyrm Greaves - Alynda

Long old update

Sorry it's been so long since an update. We've got alot of catching up to do here so why not start with everyone's favorite pony!!! No... not Hiro >.>

Congratulation to the following on Ixion drops:
Azoth : Hokagesama
Ixion Cloak : Maybe, Kibble, Hiroishime
Ixion Cape : Eriss, Ronzeru, Wakadanna

Congratulations to Xjiao on his killer lot to win the Velocious Belt!

Whats more fun than an epic Khim which ends with us getting yet another Hauteclaire? Unfortunately I wasn't at this Khim so I'm unable to give you the juicy details on how epic it really was. I just remember hearing something about a while at low percentage, and us claiming for the kill...

Huge congratulations to Atabulus on Claimed's 15th Hauteclaire. At least i'm pretty sure its 15, hard to keep count with these.

Nidhogg and Fafnir
We've actually claimed a decent amount of fafnir's but drops seem to get old fast. Need more Ridilz to spice up the mix please!!! Congratulations Aiki on A.Feet and Hokagesama on A.Hands!

Congratulations Pepe!

Congratulations Wakadanna!


Congrtulations Jowyy on the Algol!


Congratulations Genmu!

Congratulations Saisio!

Congratulations Rheaa!

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