Rather Large update

ZOMG! KV pop gooooooooooooooo! We got! Finale got! GM got! Depop....... /comfort Aiki. Oh wait thats right... the next day!Congratulations Aiki on your new Ace's Helm!!!!!!

Oh don't worry the fun doesn't stop there! Minus my terrible graphics (which I hope I fixed...) Look at the puppy who wanted to play!
And we actualy got him again 2 days later! Congratulations Relgnar on Algol!!! (wow my graphics really did suck... looks worse than PS2)

Moving on to bigger and better things! Brought to you in part by TEAM DALM!
Okay... I'm a bad liar... Congratulations Kechara on your new Herald's Gaiters!!! But you got to admit they do look rather sexy on me! =P

As closer, We also killed Aspi (dfeet), Adamantoise (several times), Behemoth (several times)

Moar Updates

So, Its been awhile since i've really done an update on here...Cheech likes to ninja post under my name it seems lol. Either way i'm simply going to show you some of the screens i've taken in the past 2 days. Overall, we've gotten a few Cerberus, Khimaira, Behemoth, Adamantoise, Einherjar(teir3), Dynamis-Beaucedine/Xarc, Sandworm and umm...I don't know what else off the top of my head.... LOL anyway here u are, some Action Shots!
Xjiao....Always at the ass end of things.... seems he decided to stick his entire head up there to get a sneak peak at Serket. /comfort

Tons of stuff ^^

Congratulations to Aiki on love torque!

Congratulations to Cheech on finally completing his melt shield!!!

Lots of Nidhoggs!!!

Congratulations to Genmu on his new E-Body!

Congratulations to Saisio on his Koenig Cuirass!!

Congratulations to Fienal on his Dalmatica!!


Fafnir has been very pleasent to us.
Congrats to Xjiao and Asianguy on there Ridills!!

Congratulations to Atabulus, Bloodtraitor, Duraan, and Alpinethiboots on there Heca hats!!


Congratulations to Valkarie on his Ace's helm!


Congratulations to Jowyy on Seveneyes.

More Mats -.-

ToAU mobs woot!!! We got a free Khim thanks to the lame pony!!! Unfortunately Khim was stingy and didn't want to to give us either 7eyes or Haut. ; ; We also got Cerberus too!!! Well after Seedmaster wiped in record time of like 12 seconds! He too only gave us mats... -.- But none the less we got these 2/3 ToAu mobs, just need to get a claim on Hydra!

lol ok I lie... LOLHydra

We did Jailer of Hope yet again, and like always he disapointed me and left us with no Hope Torque. /cry. Unfortunantly free Khim was better than Jailer of Justice and Prudence, so look for them soon!

Long Update

All right! JP button FTW! Thank you Makaroni for the attempt to teach us what treasure hunter really is supose to do, maybe some of the NA's will take notes ^^. Either way you've blessed us with yet another Ridill for Claimed!!! Huge Congratulations to Informer on his brand new Ridill!!!

Lets start of with some BV2!!! We've done some where between 3 and 5 of these..sorry I lost count. Congratulations to everyone who got an item from BV2. Manteels still waiting to be crafted ^^.;
We've also killed Cerb a few times!!! Unfortunately we've seen mostly mats from him. Here's a nice Cerb pic (one of Aiki's favorite) of Lobsang the Galka standing AFK while we all do the work. Next time we should let of some Gates and kill him ^^.

Absolute Drama and Jailer of Death!!!

Only one small picture of this horendous night for you all! We decied to pop off a Jailer of Love from the remaining bank of RE, and even with some strange deaths we managed to conqure this oversized jellyfish and ended up with a stange surprise. ABSOLUTE VIRTUE! I can't lie.. I ran away and hid while he proceeded to kick the crap out of out tank party... After all that we sorted out drops, which raide many questions but never the less we moved on! Congratulations to Firewyrm on Love torque and Bellydancer on a Novio Earring!!!


Like I said we moved on and kill other things, like ths adamantoise and Aspi! I ran out of pics from our own LS photographer Aiki, sorry. ; ; We've also killed a few fafnir's, Behemoths and Khimaira's however the rewards have pretty much been just materials. I leave you with this picture if the linkshells very own, Secret Lovers!

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