Cerberus, Tiamat, Dynamis-Tavnazia/Jeuno
Published by kaken on 30 January 2008 at 6:54:00 AM.![](https://resources.blogblog.com/img/icon18_edit_allbkg.gif)
This Tia was from a week and a half ago lol... Big congratulations going out to AG, who can now run 12% faster.
We did a split Rear run last Sunday and it turned out well =) Drops are looking slightly better than before... slightly =/
Sorcerer's Tonban -1 - Kaken
Bard Justacorps -1 - Sarsha
Warrior's Cuisses - Reznap
Scout's Beret - Alpinethiboots
Bard's Slippers - Darksaber
Cleric's Pantaloons - Hiroishime
Wyrm Finger Gauntlets - Hiroishime >.>
Duelist's Tights - Hommy, Lecia
Melee Gloves - Incredibleblaze, Sirbing
Saotome Sune-Ate - Sirbing
Warrior's Mufflers - Lucina
Recent Glacier Run!
Published by Renadea on 25 January 2008 at 10:34:00 PM.![](https://resources.blogblog.com/img/icon18_edit_allbkg.gif)
Catching up :)>
Published by kaken on 21 January 2008 at 1:43:00 PM.![](https://resources.blogblog.com/img/icon18_edit_allbkg.gif)
Valor Breeches - Dragoryte
Duelist's Tabard - Hiroishime & Dyhalto
Koga Chainmail - Kitiarax
Monster Gaiters - Kyntajara
Summoner's Dblt. - Gratis
Duelist's Boots -1 - Ronzeru
Koga Tekko - Frej
Scout's Jerkin - Rovek
Bard's Cannions - Drusilla
Wyrm Armet - Zera
Monster Gloves - Saisio
Cleric's Mitts - Kaken & Sugarplum
Bard's Roundlet - Airenn
Duelist's Boots - Ronzeru
King Vinegarroon
We also got KV a few times last week. Congrats to Rivian on Ace's Helm!
We also got Tiamat last week! Congratulations to Laster on Herald's Gaiters!
We also scored an Aspi early Wednesday morning XD. Congratulations again to Laster on W.Body!!!
KV, Dynamis-Xarc, Tiamat, Cerberus
Published by kaken on 12 January 2008 at 11:49:00 AM.![](https://resources.blogblog.com/img/icon18_edit_allbkg.gif)
Saotome Kabuto - Incredibleblaze
Scout's Jerkin - Ronzeru, Incredibleblaze, Meilin
Duelist's Chapeau - Zera, Rivian
Warrior's Lorica - Takayuke
Bard's Cannions - Mrcrabs
Probably one of the more exciting Tiamat fights I've ever been involved in. She decided to pop at 3am Monday morning as I was ready to log, hardly anyone on, so we decide to take her on with just 11 people, lol. Fight went pretty smooth for the most part. Damage was so slow with our main DD being 1 SMN and 2 BLMs during the first hour of the fight..
When in doubt, DOT it!
Idk, I thought this was kinda funny >_>
We also got a Cerb, but no SS for that =( Congratulations to Sugarplum on algol! Cerb Mantle tba.
CL > Dynamis-Xarcabard
Published by kaken on 07 January 2008 at 2:22:00 PM.![](https://resources.blogblog.com/img/icon18_edit_allbkg.gif)
Monster Gloves - Sirbing
Melee Crown - Knightheart
Bard's Cannions - Sirbing
Koga Tekko - Airenn & Takayuke
Assassin's Armlets - Genetix & Knolan
Wyrm Armet - Alpinethiboots
Warrior's Lorica - Silverkillswolf
Summoner's Horn - Samenori
Valor Surcoat - Saisio
Shadow Mantle - Informer
Khimaira, Cerberus, Dynamis-Xarcabard
Published by kaken on 05 January 2008 at 1:38:00 PM.![](https://resources.blogblog.com/img/icon18_edit_allbkg.gif)
Congratulations Saisio on Shadow Mantle! Good job everyone!
Valor Surcoat - Motherbrain
Monster Gloves - Alynda
Happy New Year!
Published by kaken on 02 January 2008 at 9:55:00 AM.![](https://resources.blogblog.com/img/icon18_edit_allbkg.gif)
First and foremost just wanted to say Happy 2008 to everyone, hope it was safe. Big congratulations going out to our Tony on getting Aces Helm yesterday, while the rest of the server was dying to Cerberus. Yay!
Cerb always an epic fight, anyway, we caught this one as it was accidently called for help around 55%. Good job CL for the win, not the claim =p and congratulations to Moinar (no SS ; ;) on the Algol, and a pretty pretty blouse for Knolan to wear on his.... Samurai?!?!?!?! Luckily, he has a RNG @_@
Tiamat fights can be epic too. What a way to end 2007!! Good job on the claim, and stuff.
Couple of our members scored some Haidate this week! Congratulations to Briz and Sugarplum on their long awaited Byakko Haidates!
Dynamis-Jeuno & Beaucedine
Duelist Tights - Pingin
Koga Kyahan - Takayuke
Warrior's Mufflers - Jailinx
Wyrm Finger Gauntlets - Alynda
Abyss Curiass - Kitiarax
Melee Cyclas - Silverkillswolf
Duelist Tabard - Pingin
Assassin's Culotte - Sarsha & Fhuri