KV, Dynamis-Xarc, Tiamat, Cerberus

King Vinegarroon
Killed KV a few times this week. Grats to Meilin on Aces Helm!

Nice run this Thursday when Rear decided to take on Dynamis-Xarcabard. 'Twas a good day for our Rangers and RDMs! Couple 100 pieces also for the bank!

Saotome Kabuto - Incredibleblaze
Scout's Jerkin - Ronzeru, Incredibleblaze, Meilin
Duelist's Chapeau - Zera, Rivian
Warrior's Lorica - Takayuke
Bard's Cannions - Mrcrabs


Probably one of the more exciting Tiamat fights I've ever been involved in. She decided to pop at 3am Monday morning as I was ready to log, hardly anyone on, so we decide to take her on with just 11 people, lol. Fight went pretty smooth for the most part. Damage was so slow with our main DD being 1 SMN and 2 BLMs during the first hour of the fight..

When in doubt, DOT it!

Idk, I thought this was kinda funny >_>


We also got a Cerb, but no SS for that =( Congratulations to Sugarplum on algol! Cerb Mantle tba.

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