KB, Tiamat, Dynamis-Xarcabard, Salvage

King Behemoth
We got ourselves a KB late last night. Congratulations to Gouki on W.Head and Lecia on the Pixie!

We also got ourselves a Tiamat earlier this week. No dorp! orz;;

Our last Dynamis turned out to be a success! Congratulations to everyone on their drops! Big congratulations to Meilin on getting Shadow Mantle and Sorcerer's Petasos in the same night!!! Big night for you!

Warrior's Lorica - Lecia
Summoner's Horn - Fukuo, Saske
Shadow Mantle - Meilin
Wyrm Armet - Samenori
Cleric's Mitts - Dietriot, Lucina
Koga Tekko - Aurorie
Sorc. Petasos - Meilin
Monster Gloves - Deceitfultrauma

Yep, I've been a bad tarutaru ;3 This past week we've completed 2 more pieces and I'm really excited about that :) Congratulations to Genmu on Skadi's Visor and myself on Marduk's Jubbah (*>.<). {Gil, can I has it?}

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