
Thats right!!! We've finally built up the motivation to take on this guy again!! Congrats to those who achieved the Hornbreaker title for the first time! Oh and if you didn't get it the first try, we got him again the day after!
(Sorry only 1 SS of drops)Congratulations Fukuo on Ixion's Cape, Blackstring on Ixion's Cloak, Aiki on Azoth! Hermes' Sandals will be handed out at a later date!

The Scorpion King!!!Yes, thats what our kiters have been this past week! GJ guys on really buckling down with camping and kiting of this guy! Also nice to see our drk's getting some more action zerging! Congratulations to Darkmooon on your new sexy helm!Tiamat!
Even with all the claims and running around we've been having we still managed to snag this guy! Was a rather slow fight at first since we were litterally just coming from Ixion but once all of us showed up on the propper jobs it was rather smooth! This baby dropped us FULL drops including Siren's Hair, Wyrm Horn, Dragon Talon and the N.Kote! Oh and of course Herald's Gaiters for Cryogenic!Turtle!


BUYER FOR EGG!!!!!!!!! YAY >.>



ZOMG another sword for CL, puts us up to 20?
Congratulations to Duraan on Hauteclaire and Scnobu on 7-eyes.


We have gotten every Fafnir this week.
Lots of E hands and A feet and finally got the drop that counts.
Congratulations Scnobu on Ridill!

Sample of some of our other omfgwin drops!!!


Gotten a few KV's, including one very epic one.
Congratulations to Blackcat and Xjiao.
Congratulations to Informer on Heavy Shell.


Flawless run on Jol which dropped us another pimp earring
Congratulations Cryogenic on Novio earring.


Another Aspid for the CL team. Sexy crimson body for me yay!

Some nq's managed to make a happy kitty to!!
Congratulations to Kyntajara on Black Belt!!

King Behemoth

Congratulations to Darksaber on E legs >.>


Bitch put out! Congratulations to Darkminion on gaiterz!!

Overall we have had a ton of claims lately. Sorry if i missed anything really good that i should be remembering (melt memory ftw).

Keep up the good work guys!!!!!

Playing cards

So lets play cards! We'll start with one from a few days ago, Adamantoise NQ ftl!

Our most recent draw happened to be this bad boy!
(i killed your theme lecia sry QQ)

King Behemoth

Congratulations Informer on W.Head, Sigifrith on the Tonque, and Bahaa on the Pixie Earring!

We've also killed 2 flying turds, i mean Ouryu's soo look for BV2's coming soon.
Oh right we also got Cerberus a few days ago too... was a rather rough fight, apparently we need to get back to stun basics. Either way we killed it and got mats like always.
Ugh i missed 1. Fafnir. Nothing special.


So we haven't updated in a long time, and I'm way to lazy to go look up what we've killed since the last updated. So with that said I'll let Cheech add in whatever I missed and just post a bunch of screens from the past month.



#18 for CL! Congratulations Sadon!!!


Lol after 4 years of doing HNM Cheech finally gets N. Head. What a self serving jerk, gawd! Congrats Aiki on your whm. Almost sexy seventyfive <3.


Congratulations Fenyx on Dalmatica after a few weeks away moving!
Nice reward upon return.

Behemoths/King Behemoths(that don't drop my w.mask)


Lecia r forgot to mention we got 2 Speed Belts in 12 runs.
Congratulations Sadon and Rel.

Sky(lol we did sky)


(long list so take care)

Alpinethiboots - Pantin Dastanas, Commodore Tricorne, Commodore Culottes, Commodore Bottes

Alynda - Monster Belt, Koga Sarashi, Melee Gloves, Bard's Roundlet

Andres - Sorcerer's Gloves, Sorcerer's Tonban, Sorcerer's Coat -1

Ariannas - Wyrm Brais, Cleric's Duckbills, Saotome Sune-ate, Bard's Slippers,
Clerics Cap

Cheech - Abyss Flanchard, Abyss Sollarets

Darksaber - Assassin's Armlets, Melee Crown

Earendil - Saotome Kote

Fukuo - Melee Gloves, Scout's Beret, Sorcerer's Tonban

Genmu - Warrior's Mufflers

Hommy - Duelist Boots -1, Monster Trousers, Duelist Tights -1

Informer - Koga Hatsuburi, Koga Tekko

Irrelius - Pantin (something), Warrior's Mufflers, Warrior's Calligae, Abyss Flanchard

Jafece - Pantin Churidars, Pantin Babouches -1, Bard's Cuffs

Lecia - Koga Sarashi, Assassin's Cape

Lucina - Pantin Churidars, Valor Gauntlets, Pantin Dastanas, Pantin Taj

Martinii - Koga Hakama

Meilin - Warrior's Stone

Metallum - Koga Kyahan, Abyss Flanchard

Mirrii - Duelist's Boots

Rel - Warrior's Mask

Redzero - Hydra Sollerets

Rheaa - Assassin's Armlets, Warrior's Mufflers, Abyss Flanchard, Cleric's Pantaloons, Sorcerer's Tonban

Sadon - Warrior's Stone

Shadowflipper - Valor Cape

Shinidestiny - Duelist Chapeau

Sirbing - Bard's Cape

Takayuke - Scout's Belt, Scout's Braccae, Koga Hatsuburi

Vins - Warrior's Mufflers

Yumaria - Abyss Flanchard

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