Published by Lecia on 28 November 2008 at 4:30:00 AM.PONY!!!! WTF!
Thats right!!! We've finally built up the motivation to take on this guy again!! Congrats to those who achieved the Hornbreaker title for the first time! Oh and if you didn't get it the first try, we got him again the day after!
(Sorry only 1 SS of drops)Congratulations Fukuo on Ixion's Cape, Blackstring on Ixion's Cloak, Aiki on Azoth! Hermes' Sandals will be handed out at a later date!
The Scorpion King!!!Yes, thats what our kiters have been this past week! GJ guys on really buckling down with camping and kiting of this guy! Also nice to see our drk's getting some more action zerging! Congratulations to Darkmooon on your new sexy helm!Tiamat!
Even with all the claims and running around we've been having we still managed to snag this guy! Was a rather slow fight at first since we were litterally just coming from Ixion but once all of us showed up on the propper jobs it was rather smooth! This baby dropped us FULL drops including Siren's Hair, Wyrm Horn, Dragon Talon and the N.Kote! Oh and of course Herald's Gaiters for Cryogenic!Turtle!
BUYER FOR EGG!!!!!!!!! YAY >.>
Thats right!!! We've finally built up the motivation to take on this guy again!! Congrats to those who achieved the Hornbreaker title for the first time! Oh and if you didn't get it the first try, we got him again the day after!
(Sorry only 1 SS of drops)Congratulations Fukuo on Ixion's Cape, Blackstring on Ixion's Cloak, Aiki on Azoth! Hermes' Sandals will be handed out at a later date!
The Scorpion King!!!Yes, thats what our kiters have been this past week! GJ guys on really buckling down with camping and kiting of this guy! Also nice to see our drk's getting some more action zerging! Congratulations to Darkmooon on your new sexy helm!Tiamat!
Even with all the claims and running around we've been having we still managed to snag this guy! Was a rather slow fight at first since we were litterally just coming from Ixion but once all of us showed up on the propper jobs it was rather smooth! This baby dropped us FULL drops including Siren's Hair, Wyrm Horn, Dragon Talon and the N.Kote! Oh and of course Herald's Gaiters for Cryogenic!Turtle!
BUYER FOR EGG!!!!!!!!! YAY >.>