Mandau, Khimaira, KB, Proto-Ultima, KVx3
Published by kaken on 13 February 2008 at 2:46:00 AM.Proto-Ultima
Popped our Ultima this evening, which landed us this mess... Congratulations to Shadowflipper and Gratis on Nashira Crackows.
King Behemoth
We got a KB yesterday shortly after Khimaira. For some reason my SSs didn't save. Anyway, congrats to Cheech on W.Head, me on the Pixie, and Whiskey on the tongue!
Khimaira x 2
Killed a couple Khimas. First one gave us synth mats. Our 2nd Khima popped during the late hours last night. Pretty fun fight. Never seen Khim flail @.@ Congrats to Fukuo on seveneyes!
King Vinegarroon x 3
Epic KVs I tell ya! Our first KV of the week we got and then it was stolen from us;; Which was soon followed by a wipe and a CFH at 1%... somehow we managed to get it back when it was 100% un-CFH (save by Genmu and yours truly)~ managed to score one of these bad boys. Cheech has a video of this also, and of the wipe/cfh incident. IDK which one I should post on here lol.. Congratulations to Saske, Garrerro, and Kitiarax for our back-to-back-to-back Aces Helm spree :D (ss of kiti and garr coming soon !)